Microplastics are the topic of the month at Whitecliffs Foreshore Reserve, with Rangers meeting with local students to discuss their impacts on the coastal environment. Microplastics are defined as plastic fragments less than 5mm. They occur when larger plastic items are exposed to the sun & the sea, or as an ingredient in some cosmetic items. The problem with microplastics is that they enter the food chain and are passed along, increasing in volume & toxicity as the animal that mistakenly consumed them is in turn eaten by a larger fish. Until eventually that fish is consumed by us!
To reduce the impact of microplastics it is best to stop the problem at the source and avoid single-use plastics where possible. A common cause of litter across Whitecliffs Foreshore Reserve is roadside rubbish, two simple solutions to this problem are simply placing rubbish in bins and securing your load whilst driving to avoid it blowing away!