Edible Plants
Did you know that we have an abundance of edible plants growing on the foreshore? Bower Spinach (Tetragonia implexicoma) & Saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) can be eaten fresh but taste best when soaked in boiling water and are comparable to salty spinach. If you’re after something sweeter, Coast Beard Heath (Leucopogon parviflorus) & Native Raspberry (ubus parvifolius) berries can satisfy a sweet tooth, although they are only seasonal. These are examples of just some great indigenous plants that we can all grow in our gardens to help enhance our natural environment while also providing us with food! Click here for a great resource regarding edible plants on the Mornington Peninsula.
Please note **
A permit is required to collect native plant material from public land. Native plant material includes flowers, seeds, leaves, cuttings, and any other part of the plant. Never eat plants that are growing in an area where they may have been sprayed with chemicals (pest or weed control), or where the water supply to the area could be polluted, such as from urban or industrial run-off. Many plants are toxic and indigestible to humans. Never eat any part of any wild-growing plant unless you are absolutely certain you can identify it. Bush tucker plants and produce are available for purchase at many nurseries and food retailers.