Weed Identification: African Boxthorn

This week for Weed ID Wednesday we are going to learn how to identify & manage African Boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum Miers). Boxthorn is considered a weed of national significance. It is a woody, densely branched and very thorny shrub that can grow up to five metres tall. They can be identified by their small, scented white flowers, shiny orange/red berries and spikey thorns. Boxthorn originated from Africa, where it grew its spikey thorns as a defence mechanism from grazing by animals such as Giraffes and Zebras. Whilst in Australia they provide the perfect habitat for pest animals such as rabbits and foxes, whilst also outcompeting native vegetation.

To manage African Boxthorn you must first ensure the correct personal protective equipment is worn, as the thorns are strong enough to puncture a car tyre! Eradication can be achieved by physically removing the plant roots and all or cutting the plant close to the soil and applying a registered herbicide. If you have Boxthorn growing on your property and would like to eradicate it and plant an Indigenous alternative, we recommend Large Kangaroo Apple (Solanum laciniatum) and Hedge Wattle (Acacia paradoxa). The Shire Nurseries are a great place to buy Indigenous plants to fill your gardens with!